8 results

Poxels: polygonal voxel environment rendering

Conference Proceeding
Miller, M., Cumming, A., Chalmers, K., Kenwright, B., & Mitchell, K. (2013)
Poxels: polygonal voxel environment rendering. In Proceedings of the 20th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology - VRST '14, 235-236. doi:10.1145/2671015.2671125
We present efficient rendering of opaque, sparse, voxel environments with data amplified in local graphics memory with stream-out from a geomery shader to a cached vertex buff...

Towards visualising temporal features in large scale microarray time-series data.

Conference Proceeding
Craig, P., Kennedy, J., & Cumming, A. (2002)
Towards visualising temporal features in large scale microarray time-series data. https://doi.org/10.1109/IV.2002.1028809
Current techniques for visualising large-scale microarray data are unable to present temporal features without reducing the number of elements being displayed. This paper intr...

Animated interval scatter-plot views for the exploratory analysis of large scale microarray time-course data.

Journal Article
Craig, P., Kennedy, J., & Cumming, A. (2005)
Animated interval scatter-plot views for the exploratory analysis of large scale microarray time-course data. Information Visualization, 4, 149-163. doi:10.1057/palgrave.ivs.9500101
Microarray technologies are a relatively new development that allow biologists to monitor the activity of thousands of genes (normally around 8,000) in parallel across multipl...

Multiple traffic signal control using a genetic algorithm

Conference Proceeding
Kalganova, T., Russell, G., & Cumming, A. (1999)
Multiple traffic signal control using a genetic algorithm. In A. Dobnikar, N. C. Steele, D. W. Pearson, & R. F. Albrecht (Eds.), Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms, 220-228. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-7091-6384-9_38
Optimising traffic signal timings for a multiple-junction road network is a difficult but important problem. The essential difficulty of this problem is that the traffic signa...

Coordinated parallel views for the exploratory analysis of microarray time-course data.

Conference Proceeding
Craig, P., Kennedy, J., & Cumming, A. (2005)
Coordinated parallel views for the exploratory analysis of microarray time-course data. https://doi.org/10.1109/CMV.2005.5
Microarray time-course data relate to the recorded activity of thousands of genes, in parallel, over multiple discrete points in time during a biological process. Existing tec...

SQL Hacks. Tips and tools for digging into your data.

Cumming, A., & Russell, G. (2007)
SQL Hacks. Tips and tools for digging into your data. O'Reilly
...SQL Hacks reveals the secrets that database experts use to dig through their data and get the answers they need. It includes 100 hacks for sorting, sifting, shuffling, and ...

Time-series Explorer: An Animated Information Visualisation for Microarray Time-course Data

Journal Article
Craig, P., Kennedy, J., & Cumming, A. (2005)
Time-series Explorer: An Animated Information Visualisation for Microarray Time-course Data. BMC Bioinformatics, 6(Suppl 3), P8. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2105-6-S3-P8
Microarray technologies are a relatively new development that allow biologists to monitor the activity of thousands of genes (normally around 8,000) in parallel across multipl...

Student behaviour in a flexible learning course framework.

Conference Proceeding
Russell, G. & Cumming, A. (2010)
Student behaviour in a flexible learning course framework. In Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on e-Learning, 181-188. ISBN 978-972-8939-38-0
Flexible learning approaches to education are important in modern Universities. Students should be able to choose how they will study their courses, and educators should be pr...


