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27 results

Male emotionality: ‘boys don’t cry’ versus ‘it’s good to talk’

Journal Article
McQueen, F. (2017)
Male emotionality: ‘boys don’t cry’ versus ‘it’s good to talk’. NORMA - Nordisk tidsskrift for maskulinitetsstudier, 12(3-4), 205-219.
In this article male affect within intimate relationships is examined as a product of the tension between two competing discourses: ‘it’s good to talk’ versus ‘boys don’t cry’...

Integrative review of literature on masculinity, health service utilization and health outcomes.

Journal Article
Idris, D. R., Forrest, S., & Brown, S. (2017)
Integrative review of literature on masculinity, health service utilization and health outcomes. Brunei Darussalem Journal of Health, 7(1), 26-42
Purpose and aim of review: To explore and analyze the academic literature on how being an Asian male of specific ethnic group intersects with other psychosocial parameters in ...

Making sense of not making sense: Novice English language teacher talk

Journal Article
Stanley, P., & Stevenson, M. (2017)
Making sense of not making sense: Novice English language teacher talk. Linguistics and Education, 38, 1-10.
This qualitative study critically examines the intelligibility of the teacher talk of novice native speaker English language teachers. It focuses on difficulties teachers face...

The two cultures in Australian ELICOS: Industry managers respond to English language school teachers

Journal Article
Stanley, P. (2017)
The two cultures in Australian ELICOS: Industry managers respond to English language school teachers. English Australia Journal : the Australian Journal of English Language Teaching, 33(1), 28-42
This article reports on a qualitative study that sought to understand managers’ perceptions of teachers’ professional identities in the Australian ELICOS sector. The study fou...

Engaging Parents with Sex and Relationship Education: A UK Primary School Case Study

Journal Article
Alldred, P., Fox, N., & Kulpa, R. (2016)
Engaging Parents with Sex and Relationship Education: A UK Primary School Case Study. Health Education Journal, 75(7), 855-868.
Objective: To assess an intervention to familiarise parents with children’s books for use in primary (5–11 years) sex and relationship education (SRE) classes. Method: Case st...

Discordant lifestyle mobilities in East Asia: privilege and precarity of British retirement in Thailand

Journal Article
Botterill, K. (2016)
Discordant lifestyle mobilities in East Asia: privilege and precarity of British retirement in Thailand. Population, Space and Place, 23(5), e2011.
This paper explores the lifestyle mobilities of British retirees in Thailand, drawing on empirical research conducted in 2012. Thailand is a host to a significant number of Br...

"We Don't See Things as They Are, We See Things as We Are": Questioning the "Outsider" in Polish Migration Research

Journal Article
Botterill, K. (2015)
"We Don't See Things as They Are, We See Things as We Are": Questioning the "Outsider" in Polish Migration Research. Forum: Qualitative Social Research / Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, 16(2),
This article offers a reflexive account of conducting research on Polish migration to Scotland from the perspective of the "outsider." The contribution argues for a revision t...

‘They think it's all up to the girls’: gender, risk and responsibility for contraception

Journal Article
Brown, S. (2015)
‘They think it's all up to the girls’: gender, risk and responsibility for contraception. Culture, Health and Sexuality, 17(3), 312-325.
Much research suggests that attitudes towards responsibility for use of contraception amongst young people are strongly gendered. However, decision making, if ‘decisions’ happ...

On Attachment and Belonging: Or Why Queers Mourn Homophobic President?

Journal Article
Kulpa, R. (2014)
On Attachment and Belonging: Or Why Queers Mourn Homophobic President?. Sexualities, 17(7), 781-801.
In this article I ask why gay and lesbian people in Poland mourned their infamously homophobic president Lech Kaczynski, and, in turn, what it means to mourn one's own enemy. ...

Writing the PhD Journey(s): An Autoethnography of Zine-Writing, Angst, Embodiment, and Backpacker Travels

Journal Article
Stanley, P. (2015)
Writing the PhD Journey(s): An Autoethnography of Zine-Writing, Angst, Embodiment, and Backpacker Travels. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 44(2), 143-168.
Doing PhD is a “black box.” While inputs, outputs, and milestones are visible, there is a sizeable gap in our understanding of candidates’ lived experiences. This may cause so...