22 results

Rethinking ‘traditional masculinity’

Yusupova, M. (2024)
Rethinking ‘traditional masculinity’. [Magazine]. London
Does the concept of ‘traditional masculinity’ risk marginalising migrant men and those living in ‘non-Western’ parts of the world?

Mobilising more women into computing

Presentation / Conference
Taylor-Smith, E., Shankland, C., Smith, S., & Barr, M. (2022, December)
Mobilising more women into computing. Paper presented at Mobilities in Higher Education: SRHE International Conference 2022, Online
According to HESA data, UK universities' computing departments continue to suffer from a gender imbalance, where at present only 21% of students are female. This imbalance can...

Dangerous Liaisons: Neoliberal Tropes of the ‘Normal’ and ‘Middle-Class Respectability’ in the Post-socialist LG(BT) Activism

Book Chapter
Kulpa, R. (2022)
Dangerous Liaisons: Neoliberal Tropes of the ‘Normal’ and ‘Middle-Class Respectability’ in the Post-socialist LG(BT) Activism. In M. Blidon, & S. D. Brunn (Eds.), Mapping LGBTQ Spaces and Places. A Changing World (279-291). Cham: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-03792-4_17
This chapter explores the emerging, post-1989 logics of neoliberalisation of gender and sexuality activism in Central-Eastern Europe (CEE). By looking at a case study from the...

Queer Politics of post-Enlightenment: Beyond the Horizon of the Present

Journal Article
Kulpa, R. (2021)
Queer Politics of post-Enlightenment: Beyond the Horizon of the Present. Hungarian Studies Review, 48(2), 199-208. https://doi.org/10.5325/hungarianstud.48.2.0199
This essay reflects on queer politics in Central and Eastern European (CEE) through the examples of Poland and Hungary using the Derridean concept of “supplement” to expose th...

The Potential of Friendship: A Case for Social Resilience and New Care Optics

Journal Article
Kulpa, R., & Ludwin, K. (2021)
The Potential of Friendship: A Case for Social Resilience and New Care Optics. interalia: a journal of queer studies, 16, 82-94. https://doi.org/10.51897/interalia/rgrq6813
In this article, we call for greater recognition of friendship as a basic social relation that should play a pivotal role in re-imagining social resilience if it is to be futu...

KUSWA: a case study of indigenous participatory filmmaking addressing gender violence and sorcery accusations, Papua New Guinea

Crook, T., Fufurefa, E., Hukula, F., MacLeod, K., Munau, L., Sar, L., & Strong, T. (2021)
KUSWA: a case study of indigenous participatory filmmaking addressing gender violence and sorcery accusations, Papua New Guinea. AHRC & ESRC
Case study produced for AHRC/ESRC project addressing indigenous engagement in research practice. Case study discusses community filmmaking within context of KUSWA organisation...

Antisemitism and Homophobia in Polish Liberal Discourses: The Cultural Logic of Comparison and a Proposal for Intersectionality

Book Chapter
Kulpa, R. (2020)
Antisemitism and Homophobia in Polish Liberal Discourses: The Cultural Logic of Comparison and a Proposal for Intersectionality. In M. van den Berg, & M. Derks (Eds.), Public Discourses About Homosexuality and Religion in Europe and Beyond (147-169). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-56326-4_7
This chapter examines the discursive mechanism of drawing comparisons between antisemitism and homophobia in Polish (Catholic) culture that were popular among the left and lib...

National menace: mediating homo/sexuality and sovereignty in the Polish national/ist discourses

Journal Article
Kulpa, R. (2020)
National menace: mediating homo/sexuality and sovereignty in the Polish national/ist discourses. Critical Discourse Studies, 17(3), 327-343. https://doi.org/10.1080/17405904.2019.1584578
The bio-political discourses of nationhood and homo/sexuality burgeon geo-culturally and historically, and this article presents a case-study of Poland post-2004 EU enlargemen...

Decolonizing Queer Epistemologies: Section Introduction

Book Chapter
Kulpa, R., & Silva, J. M. (2016)
Decolonizing Queer Epistemologies: Section Introduction. In G. Brown, & K. Browne (Eds.), The Routledge Research Companion to Geographies of Sex and Sexualities (139-142). London: Routledge

Engaging Parents with Sex and Relationship Education: A UK Primary School Case Study

Journal Article
Alldred, P., Fox, N., & Kulpa, R. (2016)
Engaging Parents with Sex and Relationship Education: A UK Primary School Case Study. Health Education Journal, 75(7), 855-868. https://doi.org/10.1177/0017896916634114
Objective: To assess an intervention to familiarise parents with children’s books for use in primary (5–11 years) sex and relationship education (SRE) classes. Method: Case st...