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64 results

Evaluation on multivariate correlation analysis based denial-of-service attack detection system

Conference Proceeding
Tan, Z., Jamdagni, A., Nanda, P., He, X., & Liu, R. P. (2012)
Evaluation on multivariate correlation analysis based denial-of-service attack detection system. In SecurIT '12 Proceedings of the First International Conference on Security of Internet of Things, 160-164.
In this paper, a Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack detection system is explored, where a multivariate correlation analysis technique based on Euclidean distance is applied for ne...

Evaluation of Ensemble Learning for Android Malware Family Identification

Journal Article
Wylie, J., Tan, Z., Al-Dubai, A., & Wang, J. (2020)
Evaluation of Ensemble Learning for Android Malware Family Identification. Journal of Guangzhou University (Natural Science Edition), 19(4), 28-41
Every Android malware sample generally belongs to a specific family that performs a similar set of actions and characteristics. Having the ability to effectively identify Andr...

Deep learning based emotion analysis of microblog texts

Journal Article
Xu, D., Tian, Z., Lai, R., Kong, X., Tan, Z., & Shi, W. (2020)
Deep learning based emotion analysis of microblog texts. Information Fusion, 64, 1-11.
Traditional text emotion analysis methods are primarily devoted to studying extended texts, such as news reports and full-length documents. Microblogs are considered short tex...

A Multi-attributes-based Trust Model of Internet of Vehicle

Conference Proceeding
Ou, W., Luo, E., Tan, Z., Xiang, L., Yi, Q., & Tian, C. (2019)
A Multi-attributes-based Trust Model of Internet of Vehicle. In Network and System Security. , (706-713).
Internet of Vehicle (IoV) is an open network and it changes in constant, where there are large number of entities. Effective way to keep security of data in IoV is to establis...

KNN-Based Approximate Outlier Detection Algorithm Over IoT Streaming Data

Journal Article
Zhu, R., Ji, X., Yu, D., Tan, Z., Zhao, L., Li, J., & Xia, X. (2020)
KNN-Based Approximate Outlier Detection Algorithm Over IoT Streaming Data. IEEE Access, 8, 42749-42759.
KNN-Based outlier detection over IoT streaming data is a fundamental problem, which has many applications. However, due to its computational complexity, existing efforts canno...

A 3D Smooth Random Walk Mobility Model for FANETs

Conference Proceeding
Lin, N., Gao, F., Zhao, L., Al-Dubai, A., & Tan, Z. (2019)
A 3D Smooth Random Walk Mobility Model for FANETs. In 2019 IEEE 21st International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 17th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 5th International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS)
The number of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) applications has increased over the past few years. Among all scenarios, UAV group consisting multi-UAVs is normally used to prov...

Deep Learning and Dempster-Shafer Theory Based Insider Threat Detection

Journal Article
Tian, Z., Shi, W., Tan, Z., Qiu, J., Sun, Y., Jiang, F., & Liu, Y. (in press)
Deep Learning and Dempster-Shafer Theory Based Insider Threat Detection. Mobile Networks and Applications,
Organizations' own personnel now have a greater ability than ever before to misuse their access to critical organizational assets. Insider threat detection is a key component ...

FIMPA: A Fixed Identity Mapping Prediction Algorithm in Edge Computing Environment

Journal Article
Zhang, S., Liu, Y., Li, S., Tan, Z., Zhao, X., & Zhou, J. (2020)
FIMPA: A Fixed Identity Mapping Prediction Algorithm in Edge Computing Environment. IEEE Access, 8, 17356-17365.
Edge computing is a research hotspot that extends cloud computing to the edge of the network. Due to the recent developments in computation, storage and network technology for...

Reviving legacy enterprise systems with microservice-based architecture within cloud environments

Conference Proceeding
Habibullah, S., Liu, X., Tan, Z., Zhang, Y., & Liu, Q. (2019)
Reviving legacy enterprise systems with microservice-based architecture within cloud environments. In Computer Science Conference Proceedings
Evolution has always been a challenge for enterprise computing systems. The microservice based architecture is a new design model which is rapidly becoming one of the most eff...

Exploring coupled images fusion based on joint tensor decomposition

Journal Article
Lu, L., Ren, X., Yeh, K., Tan, Z., & Chanussot, J. (2020)
Exploring coupled images fusion based on joint tensor decomposition. Human-Centric Computing and Information Sciences, 10,
Data fusion has always been a hot research topic in human-centric computing and extended with the development of artificial intelligence. Generally, the coupled data fusion al...