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Awareness campaigns of atrial fibrillation as an opportunity for early detection by pharmacists: an international cross-sectional study

Journal Article
da Costa, F. A., Mala-Ladova, K., Lee, V., Tous, S., Papastergiou, J., Griffiths, D., …Antoniou, S. (2020)
Awareness campaigns of atrial fibrillation as an opportunity for early detection by pharmacists: an international cross-sectional study. Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis, 49, 606-617.
Atrial fibrillation (AF) accounts for up to one third of strokes, one of the lead mortality causes worldwide. The European Society of Cardiology guidelines recommend opportuni...

Cross-sectional survey of patients in receipt of long-term repeat prescriptions for antidepressant drugs in primary care

Journal Article
Cruickshank, G., MacGillivray, S., Bruce, D., Mather, A., Matthews, K., & Williams, B. (2008)
Cross-sectional survey of patients in receipt of long-term repeat prescriptions for antidepressant drugs in primary care. Mental Health in Family Medicine, 5(2), 105-109
This cross-sectional survey describes the clinical characteristics of 92 patients from across 12 general medical practices, in receipt of a long-term repeat prescription of an...

Mobile Technology Use Across Age Groups in Patients Eligible for Cardiac Rehabilitation: Survey Study

Journal Article
Gallagher, R., Neubeck, L., Roach, K., Sadler, L., Glinatsis, H., Belshaw, J., …Parker, H. (2017)
Mobile Technology Use Across Age Groups in Patients Eligible for Cardiac Rehabilitation: Survey Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 5(10),
Background: Emerging evidence indicates mobile technology–based strategies may improve access to secondary prevention and reduce risk factors in cardiac patients. However, lit...

Patient factors associated with SSRI dose for depression treatment in general practice: A primary care cross sectional study

Journal Article
Johnson, C. F., Dougall, N. J., Williams, B., MacGillivray, S. A., Buchanan, A. I., & Hassett, R. D. (2014)
Patient factors associated with SSRI dose for depression treatment in general practice: A primary care cross sectional study. BMC family practice, 15(210),
Background Antidepressant prescribing continues to rise. Increased long-term prescribing and higher doses are contributing to current growth; however, patient factors associat...

Spontaneous coronary artery dissection: a systematic review of physical and psychosocial recovery following discharge from hospital

Journal Article
Neubeck, L., McHale, S., Ross, M., MacGillvray, S., Galbraith, M., & Hanson, C. (2022)
Spontaneous coronary artery dissection: a systematic review of physical and psychosocial recovery following discharge from hospital. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 21(7), 665-676.
Introduction Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) is increasingly recognised as an important cause of myocardial infarction, particularly among women. SCAD survivors ...

Atrial Fibrillation Screen, Management And Guideline Recommended Therapy (AF SMART II) in the rural primary care setting: a cross-sectional study and cost-effectiveness analysis of eHealth tools to support all stages of screening

Journal Article
Orchard, J., Li, J., Freedman, B., Webster, R., Salkeld, G., Hespe, C., …Lowres, N. (2020)
Atrial Fibrillation Screen, Management And Guideline Recommended Therapy (AF SMART II) in the rural primary care setting: a cross-sectional study and cost-effectiveness analysis of eHealth tools to support all stages of screening. Journal of the American Heart Association JAHA, 9(18),
Background Internationally, most atrial fibrillation (AF) management guidelines recommend opportunistic screening for AF in people aged ≥65 years, and oral anticoagulant (OAC)...

Uptake of a primary care atrial fibrillation screening program (AF-SMART): a realist evaluation of implementation in metropolitan and rural general practice

Journal Article
Orchard, J., Li, J., Gallagher, R., Freedman, B., Lowres, N., & Neubeck, L. (2019)
Uptake of a primary care atrial fibrillation screening program (AF-SMART): a realist evaluation of implementation in metropolitan and rural general practice. BMC Family Practice, 20,
Background Screening for atrial fibrillation (AF) in people aged ≥65 years is recommended by international guidelines. The Atrial Fibrillation Screen, Management And guidelin...

The Privacy and Security Implications of Open Data in Healthcare: A Contribution from the IMIA Open Source Working Group

Journal Article
Kobayashi, S., Kane, T., & Paton, C. (2018)
The Privacy and Security Implications of Open Data in Healthcare: A Contribution from the IMIA Open Source Working Group. IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics,
Objective: The International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) Open Source Working Group (OSWG) initiated a group discussion to discuss current privacy and security issue...

Development of an integrated e-health tool for people with, or at high risk of, cardiovascular disease: the consumer navigation of electronic cardiovascular tools (CONNECT) web application.

Journal Article
Neubeck, L., Coorey, G., Peiris, D., Mulley, J., Heeley, E., Hersch, F., & Redfern, J. (2016)
Development of an integrated e-health tool for people with, or at high risk of, cardiovascular disease: the consumer navigation of electronic cardiovascular tools (CONNECT) web application. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 96, 24-37.
Background: Cardiovascular disease is the leading killer globally and secondary prevention substantiallyreduces risk. Uptake of, and adherence to, face-to-face preventive prog...

A meta-ethnography of organisational culture in primary care medical practice

Journal Article
Grant, S., Guthrie, B., Entwistle, V., & Williams, B. (2014)
A meta-ethnography of organisational culture in primary care medical practice. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 28(1), 21-40.
Purpose – Over the past decade, there has been growing international interest in shaping local organisational cultures in primary healthcare. However, the contextual relevance...



