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62 results

Evaluating the Usability of Learning Management Systems from Students' Perception: A Case Study of King Abdulaziz University

Conference Proceeding
Binyamin, S., Smith, S., & Rutter, M. (2016)
Evaluating the Usability of Learning Management Systems from Students' Perception: A Case Study of King Abdulaziz University. In 15th European Conference on eLearning (ECEL 2016), (112-113
Due to the rapid improvement in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), adopting technologies has become a major focus of interest in the field of education. The integ...

The utilization of system usability scale in learning management systems: a case study of Jeddah Community College

Conference Proceeding
Binyamin, S., Rutter, M., & Smith, S. (2016)
The utilization of system usability scale in learning management systems: a case study of Jeddah Community College. In ICERI2016 Proceedings. , (5314-5323).
Learning Management Systems (LMS) have been widely adopted in many higher educational institutions to support teaching and learning activities. The study was conducted with th...

Estimating 3D trajectories from 2D projections via disjunctive factored four-way conditional restricted Boltzmann machines

Journal Article
Mocanu, D. C., Bou Ammar, H., Puig, L., Eaton, E., & Liotta, A. (2017)
Estimating 3D trajectories from 2D projections via disjunctive factored four-way conditional restricted Boltzmann machines. Pattern Recognition, 69, 325-335.
Estimation, recognition, and near-future prediction of 3D trajectories based on their two dimensional projections available from one camera source is an exceptionally difficul...

Comparing Multi-label Classification with Reinforcement Learning for Summarisation of Time-series Data

Conference Proceeding
Gkatzia, D., Hastie, H., & Lemon, O. (2014)
Comparing Multi-label Classification with Reinforcement Learning for Summarisation of Time-series Data. In Proceedings of the Conference Volume 1: Long Papers. , (1231-1240).
We present a novel approach for automatic report generation from time-series data, in the context of student feedback generation. Our proposed methodology treats content selec...

Make-Believing Animated Films Featuring Digital Humans: A Qualitative Inquiry Using Online Sources

Journal Article
Hetherington, R., & McRae, R. (2017)
Make-Believing Animated Films Featuring Digital Humans: A Qualitative Inquiry Using Online Sources. Animation, 12(2), 156-173.
A qualitative inquiry of reviews of films featuring digital humanlike characters was performed by sampling user comments from three online reviewer aggregator sites: the Inter...

Speculative and Critical Design: approaches and influences in education

Journal Article
Helgason, I., Encinas, E., Mitrovic, I., & Smyth, M. (2022)
Speculative and Critical Design: approaches and influences in education. Interaction Design and Architecture(s) IxDetA, 5-7.
As guest editors of this special edition we are delighted to present this selection of papers responding to our call about Speculative and Critical Design in education. The re...

Critical Issues in User Interface Systems Engineering

D. Benyon, & P. Palanque (Eds.), (1996)
Critical Issues in User Interface Systems Engineering.
This book developed from an IFIP workshop which brought together methods and architecture researchers in Human Computer Interaction and Software Engineering. To an extent this...

Analyzing Objective and Subjective Data in Social Sciences: Implications for Smart Cities

Journal Article
Erhan, L., Ndubuaku, M., Ferrara, E., Richardson, M., Sheffield, D., Ferguson, F. J., …Liotta, A. (2019)
Analyzing Objective and Subjective Data in Social Sciences: Implications for Smart Cities. IEEE Access, 7, 19890-19906.
The ease of deployment of digital technologies and the Internet of Things gives us the opportunity to carry out large-scale social studies and to collect vast amounts of data ...

Orbits: enabling gaze interaction in smart watches using moving targets

Conference Proceeding
Esteves, A., Velloso, E., Bulling, A., & Gellersen, H. (2015)
Orbits: enabling gaze interaction in smart watches using moving targets. In UbiComp/ISWC'15 Adjunct Adjunct Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computer
In this paper we demonstrate Orbits, a novel gaze interaction technique that accounts for both the reduced size of smart watch displays and the hands-free nature of convention...

DIY Community WiFi Networks: Insights on Participatory Design

Conference Proceeding
Smyth, M., & Helgason, I. (2019)
DIY Community WiFi Networks: Insights on Participatory Design. In Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
This paper presents a first version of a set of insights developed collaboratively by researchers during a three-year participatory design project spread across four European ...
5 results

Walks & Waterfalls Innovation Voucher

2018 - 2018
Walks and Waterfalls is a multi-channel interactive project intended to design and roadmap a blended experience between a fine art photography book, a mobile augmented reality app and physical locatio...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

The Sound Beneath Our Feet

2022 - 2022
This project will develop an immersive audio installation in which to experience sonified seismic data from volcanic activity. The environment will foster new ways of experiencing data from both scien...
Funder: Arts & Humanities Research Council | Value: £4,915

Creative Informatics: Data Driven Innovation for the Creative Industries

2018 - 2024
Data Driven Innovation (DDI) is transforming society and the economy. DDI is defined as the challenge to make effective use of data to shape, develop and deliver innovative products and services to co...
Funder: Arts & Humanities Research Council | Value: £1,046,469

ENSEMBLE Performing Together Apart: Enhancing Immersive Multi-Location Co-Performance in Real Time

2018 - 2018
The feeling of being immersed within a live performance by an ensemble of world class musicians can be a deeply engaging and highly valued cultural experience for audiences as well as for the performe...
Funder: Arts & Humanities Research Council | Value: £58,268

Information for Action on Climate Change

2017 - 2019
The challenge that climate change poses to humanity and the natural environment is critical and well documented. Faced with such an unprecedented challenge, three responses are needed: drastic cuts in...
Funder: V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation | Value: £3,120
7 results

Augusto Esteves will be delivering a seminar at the University of Bath

22 November 2017
Augusto Esteves has been invited by the HCI group at the University of Bath to deliver a seminar on his work on motion matching input for the Internet-of-Things (IoT). Abstract: Motion matching is a...

WaveTrace awarded by Design United and the Dutch Design Week

20 October 2017
WaveTrace, a project that was internally funded, was awarded with an additional 5000€ from Design United, to prepare an exhibition at the acclaimed Dutch Design Week. This work was done in collaborati...

Augusto Esteves was featured in The Conversation and EconoTimes

9 October 2017
The articles cover the work published at ICMI '17, exploring the use of head-mounted displays as opera glasses, with the goal of delivering an egalitarian user experience during live events. Links bel...

Augusto Esteves has been accepted as Fellow of the RSA

17 August 2017
The Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) is a London-based, British organisation committed to finding practical solutions to social challenges. Founded in 1754 ...

Emilia Sobolewska - Best Paper Award at British HCI 2017

4 July 2017
Work titled "Tailoring Methodological Bricolage to Investigate Non-Discretionary use of digital technology" by Emilia Sobolewska awarded Best Paper at British HCI 2017 Conference

Augusto presented a demo of his work at the SICSA DEMOfest'16

11 November 2016
SICSA DEMOfest is the annual technology showcase of leading Informatics and Computer Science research from Scottish Universities and it creates an environment for industry partners and academics to co...

Augusto was invited by Prsma to join Lisbon's Web Summit'16

7 November 2016
Augusto joined 53,056 tech CEOs, founders, startups, investors and political leaders driving change across the world in Lisbon for the Web Summit. Over 2,000 of the world’s leading media attended. Tog...