67 results

Engaging residents as stakeholders of the visitor attraction.

Journal Article
Garrod, B., Fyall, A., Leask, A., & Reid, E. (2012)
Engaging residents as stakeholders of the visitor attraction. Tourism Management, 33, 1159-1173. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2011.11.014
While local residents are widely recognised to play a pivotal role in the development and management of destinations, their role in the context of visitor attractions has larg...

Managing the co-creation of narratives in the heritage sector: The case of the Surgeons' Hall Museum, Edinburgh

Book Chapter
Urquhart, E., & Leask, A. (2019)
Managing the co-creation of narratives in the heritage sector: The case of the Surgeons' Hall Museum, Edinburgh. In Experiential Consumption and Marketing in Tourism with a Cross-Cultural ContextGoodfellow Publishers
The objectives of this chapter are to: - Link together theoretical approaches to storytelling and narrative creation with the co-creation of heritage experiences; - Identify a...

Engaging local residents as stakeholders in World Heritage Sites

Presentation / Conference
Leask, A. (2022, March)
Engaging local residents as stakeholders in World Heritage Sites. Paper presented at New Lanark: A living legacy Anniversary Conference, New Lanark, UK
This paper explores how local residents engage in the management of World Heritage Sites, with specific examples from New Lanark and Edinburgh Old and New Towns World Heritag...

Destination Competitiveness: A Comparative Study of Hong Kong, Macau, and Singapore

Journal Article
Todd, L., Leask, A., & Fyall, A. (2015)
Destination Competitiveness: A Comparative Study of Hong Kong, Macau, and Singapore. Tourism Analysis, 20(6), 593-605. https://doi.org/10.3727/108354215x14464845877832
This paper presents a comparative study of the destination competitiveness of Hong Kong, Singapore and Macau and those strategies developed to enhance their future position in...

Materiality, memories and lived event tourism experiences

Presentation / Conference
Todd, L., Leask, A., & Ensor, J. (2017, June)
Materiality, memories and lived event tourism experiences. Presented at Critical Tourism Studies: Understand Tourism- Change Tourism, Understand Ourselves - Change Ourselves
Our paper furthers understanding of lived experiences in tourism settings as remembered by informants. We propose the value of a phenomenological ‘artefact elicitation’ method...

Engaging the multi-generational workforce in tourism and hospitality

Journal Article
Barron, P., Leask, A., & Fyall, A. (2014)
Engaging the multi-generational workforce in tourism and hospitality. Tourism Review, 69(4), 245-263. https://doi.org/10.1108/TR-04-2014-0017
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to present strategies that hospitality and tourism organisations might adopt as a means of encouraging employee engagement, thus enablin...

Revenue Management at Heritage Attractions

Book Chapter
Leask, A. (2013)
Revenue Management at Heritage Attractions. In P. Legohérel, E. Poutier, & A. Fyall (Eds.), Revenue Management for Hospitality and Tourism,
This chapter focuses on how revenue management might be suitable for use as a tool in developing the effective management of heritage visitor attractions (HVAs). It begins wit...

Visitor attraction management: a critical review of research 2009-2014

Journal Article
Leask, A. (2016)
Visitor attraction management: a critical review of research 2009-2014. Tourism Management, 57, 334-361. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2016.06.015
Research publications focussing on visitor attractions have increased in recent years, with articles sourced from an increasingly broad range of disciplines and fields of stud...

Factors in the provision of engaging experiences for the traditionalist market at visitor attractions

Journal Article
Leask, A., & Barron, P. (2021)
Factors in the provision of engaging experiences for the traditionalist market at visitor attractions. Tourism Management Perspectives, 38, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tmp.2021.100810
The global population is ageing with implications for the provision of tourism experiences to meet changing needs. The shift in demographics has encouraged a focus on the olde...

The Nature and Role of Visitor Attractions

Book Chapter
LEASK, A. (2008)
The Nature and Role of Visitor Attractions. In A. Fyall, B. Garrod, A. Leask, & S. Wanhill (Eds.), Managing Visitor Attractions, 3-15. (2). Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-7506-8545-0.50007-1
The nature and role of visitor attractions.
5 results
