30 results

A systematic review and thematic synthesis exploring how a previous experience of physically activity influences engagement with cardiac rehabilitation

Journal Article
McHale, S., Astin, F., Neubeck, L., Dawkes, S., & Hanson, C. (2020)
A systematic review and thematic synthesis exploring how a previous experience of physically activity influences engagement with cardiac rehabilitation. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 19(1), 31-43. https://doi.org/10.1177/1474515119882549
Background: Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation is recognised internationally as an effective therapy to improve quality of life and reduce risk of hospital readmission for ...

The effectiveness of home versus community-based weight control programmes initiated soon after breast cancer diagnosis: a randomised controlled trial

Journal Article
Harvie, M., Pegington, M., McMullan, D., Bundred, N., Livingstone, K., Campbell, A., …Howell, A. (2019)
The effectiveness of home versus community-based weight control programmes initiated soon after breast cancer diagnosis: a randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Cancer, 121(6), 443–454. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41416-019-0522-6
Background Breast cancer diagnosis may be a teachable moment for lifestyle behaviour change and to prevent adjuvant therapy associated weight gain. We assessed the acceptabili...

How do participant experiences and characteristics influence engagement in exercise referral? A qualitative longitudinal study of a scheme in Northumberland, UK

Journal Article
Hanson, C. L., Oliver, E. J., Dodd-Reynolds, C. J., & Allin, L. J. (2019)
How do participant experiences and characteristics influence engagement in exercise referral? A qualitative longitudinal study of a scheme in Northumberland, UK. BMJ Open, 9(2), Article e024370. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2018-024370
Objectives Exercise referral schemes (ERSs) are internationally widespread. This study aimed to gain an insight into differential engagement through understanding participant...

Podiatry interventions to prevent falls in older people: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Journal Article
Wylie, G., Torrens, C., Campbell, P., Frost, H., Gordon, A. L., Menz, H. B., …Morris, J. (2019)
Podiatry interventions to prevent falls in older people: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Age and ageing, 48(3), 327-336. https://doi.org/10.1093/ageing/afy189
Background foot problems are independent risk factors for falls in older people. Podiatrists diagnose and treat a wide range of problems affecting the feet, ankles and lower l...

Effectiveness of Motivational Interviewing on adult behaviour change in health and social care settings: A systematic review of reviews

Journal Article
Frost, H., Campbell, P., Maxwell, M., O’Carroll, R. E., Dombrowski, S. U., Williams, B., …Pollock, A. (2018)
Effectiveness of Motivational Interviewing on adult behaviour change in health and social care settings: A systematic review of reviews. PLOS ONE, 13(10), https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0204890
Background The challenge of addressing unhealthy lifestyle choice is of global concern. Motivational Interviewing has been widely implemented to help people change their behav...

Predicting risk of unplanned hospital readmission in survivors of critical illness: a population-level cohort study

Journal Article
Lone, N. I., Lee, R., Salisbury, L., Donaghy, E., Ramsay, P., Rattray, J., & Walsh, T. S. (2019)
Predicting risk of unplanned hospital readmission in survivors of critical illness: a population-level cohort study. Thorax, 75(11), 1046-1054. https://doi.org/10.1136/thoraxjnl-2017-210822
Background Intensive care unit survivors experience high levels of morbidity after hospital discharge and are at high risk of unplanned hospital readmission. Identifying those...

Promotion of physical activity interventions for community dwelling older adults: A systematic review of reviews

Journal Article
Zubala, A., MacGillivray, S., Frost, H., Kroll, T., Skelton, D. A., Gavine, A., …Morris, J. (2017)
Promotion of physical activity interventions for community dwelling older adults: A systematic review of reviews. PLOS ONE, 12(7), https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0180902
Objectives While there is strong evidence that regular participation in physical activity (PA) brings numerous health benefits to older adults, and interventions to effectivel...

Research priorities about stoma-related quality of life from the perspective of people with a stoma: A pilot survey

Journal Article
Hubbard, G., Taylor, C., Beeken, B., Campbell, A., Gracey, J., Grimmett, C., …Gorely, T. (2017)
Research priorities about stoma-related quality of life from the perspective of people with a stoma: A pilot survey. Health Expectations, 20(6), 1421-1427. https://doi.org/10.1111/hex.12585
Background:There is a recognized need to include patients in setting research priorities. Research priorities identified by people with a stoma are rarely elicited. Objectives...

Association between bisphosphonate therapy and outcomes from rehabilitation in older people

Journal Article
Goodbrand, J. A., Hughes, L. D., Cochrane, L., Donnan, P. T., McGilchrist, M., Frost, H., …Witham, M. D. (2017)
Association between bisphosphonate therapy and outcomes from rehabilitation in older people. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 70, 195-200. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.archger.2017.01.017
Background Bisphosphonate therapy may have actions beyond bone, including effects on cardiovascular, immune and muscle function. We tested whether bisphosphonate treatment is...

Recruitment to the “Breast—Activity and Healthy Eating After Diagnosis” (B-AHEAD) Randomized Controlled Trial

Journal Article
Pegington, M., Adams, J. E., Bundred, N. J., Harvie, M. N., Campbell, A., Howell, A., …Harvey, M. (2018)
Recruitment to the “Breast—Activity and Healthy Eating After Diagnosis” (B-AHEAD) Randomized Controlled Trial. Integrative Cancer Therapies, 17(1), 131-137. https://doi.org/10.1177/1534735416687850
Excess weight at breast cancer diagnosis and weight gain during treatment are linked to increased breast cancer specific and all-cause mortality. The Breast—Activity and Healt...