3 results

Getting the balance right: human rights in residual jurisdiction rules of English courts for cross-border torts via social media

Book Chapter
Gillies, L. E. (2017)
Getting the balance right: human rights in residual jurisdiction rules of English courts for cross-border torts via social media. In L. E. Gillies, & D. Mangan (Eds.), The Legal Challenges of Social Media (249-269). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781785364518.00027
This chapter elects as its focus the need to balance human rights in English residual jurisdiction rules for cross-border torts via social media. Private international law app...

Pacific Community Filmmaking Consortium

Digital Artefact
MacLeod, K., Sar, L., Crook, T., Ryle, J., Boodoosingh, R., & Montgomery, N. (2020)
Pacific Community Filmmaking Consortium. [Website including Video content]
A website showcasing the work of filmmakers, known as The Pacific Filmmaking Consortium. Consolidating this network of filmmakers, funding a slate of films and distributing th...

Fundamental rights and judicial cooperation in the decisions of the Court of Justice on the Brussels I Regulation 2009-2014: the story so far

Book Chapter
Gillies, L. (2015)
Fundamental rights and judicial cooperation in the decisions of the Court of Justice on the Brussels I Regulation 2009-2014: the story so far. In S. Morano-Foadi, & L. Vickers (Eds.), Fundamental Rights in the EU: A Matter for Two Courts (211-229). Oxford: Hart
“…as from the date of entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, 1 December 2009, the fundamental principles of EU law and the EU system of judicial protection such as primacy,...