27 results

Editorial: The primacy of the biosciences: a forgotten priority in nurse education?

Journal Article
Fawcett, T. N., Waugh, A., & Smith, G. D. (2016)
Editorial: The primacy of the biosciences: a forgotten priority in nurse education?. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 25(17-18), 2680-2682. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.13484
No abstract available.

An Integrated Community Falls Emergency Pathway

Journal Article
James, K. (2015)
An Integrated Community Falls Emergency Pathway. International journal of integrated care, 15(5), https://doi.org/10.5334/ijic.2086
The abstract gives an example of both an innovation to integrated care and an example of good practice: an Integrated Community Falls Emergency Pathway. Most adults fall each...

Transforming Care After Treatment Partnership, Integration and Co-ordination

Campbell, K., & Johnston, L. (2018)
Transforming Care After Treatment Partnership, Integration and Co-ordination. Macmillan Cancer Support
This Bulletin presents the evidence and learning on the implementation of holistic needs assessment (HNA) within 11 completed local projects from the national evaluative persp...

Curriculum development through understanding the student nurse experience of suicide intervention education – A phenomenographic study

Journal Article
Heyman, I., Webster, B. J., & Tee, S. (2015)
Curriculum development through understanding the student nurse experience of suicide intervention education – A phenomenographic study. Nurse Education in Practice, 15(6), 498-506. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nepr.2015.04.008
Suicide remains a global public health issue and a major governmental concern. The World Health Organisation argues for continued investment in education for front-line profes...

Feedback in clinical practice: Enhancing the students’ experience through action research

Journal Article
Adamson, E., King, L., Foy, L., McLeod, M., Traynor, J., Watson, W., & Gray, M. (2018)
Feedback in clinical practice: Enhancing the students’ experience through action research. Nurse Education in Practice, 31, 48-53. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nepr.2018.04.012
Feedback to student nurses and midwives within clinical practice is known to be central to their learning and development. A study that focused on student experience of assess...

Valuing feedback: an evaluation of a National Health Service programme to support compassionate care practice through hearing and responding to feedback

Journal Article
Smith, S., Gentleman, M., Conway, L., & Sloan, S. (2017)
Valuing feedback: an evaluation of a National Health Service programme to support compassionate care practice through hearing and responding to feedback. Journal of Research in Nursing, 22(1-2), 112-127. https://doi.org/10.1177/1744987116685913
There is an emergent recognition in healthcare that people need to be at the heart of services, and experiences of care matter; these should therefore be recognised and enhanc...

Online video in clinical skills education of oral medication administration for undergraduate student nurses

Presentation / Conference
Dawkes, S., Smith, F., McCrossan, G., Holland, A., & Adamson, L. (2011, September)
Online video in clinical skills education of oral medication administration for undergraduate student nurses. Presented at Scottish Clinican Skills Network Conference, St. Andrews University, St. Andrews
No abstract available.

Making Integrated Health and Social Care Education a Reality: A Scottish Example

Presentation / Conference
McKay, E., James, K., Macdonald, D., Hislop, J., & Yates, P. (2018, October)
Making Integrated Health and Social Care Education a Reality: A Scottish Example. Paper presented at 24th ENOTHE Annual Meeting 2018
Integration of health and social care services in Scotland has been described as being the most significant change to health and social care provision since 1948 (Scottish Gov...

The relationship between emotional intelligence, previous caring experience and successful completion of a pre-registration nursing/midwifery degree

Journal Article
Snowden, A., Stenhouse, R., Duers, L., Marshall, S., Carver, F., Brown, N., & Young, J. (2018)
The relationship between emotional intelligence, previous caring experience and successful completion of a pre-registration nursing/midwifery degree. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74(2), 433-442. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.13455
Aim To examine the relationship between baseline emotional intelligence and prior caring experience with completion of pre-registration nurse and midwifery education. Backgrou...

Nurses’ views on the impact of mass media on the public perception of nursing and nurse–service user interactions

Journal Article
Hoyle, L. P., Kyle, R., & Mahoney, C. (2017)
Nurses’ views on the impact of mass media on the public perception of nursing and nurse–service user interactions. Journal of Research in Nursing, 22(8), 586-596. https://doi.org/10.1177/1744987117736363
Aims: To examine nurses’ views on the impact that mass media has on service users and how this affects nurse/service user interactions. Background: Internationally, the mass m...