9 results

Surface Wave Cloak from Graded Refractive Index Nanocomposites

Journal Article
La Spada, L., McManus, T. M., Dyke, A., Haq, S., Zhang, L., Cheng, Q., & Hao, Y. (2016)
Surface Wave Cloak from Graded Refractive Index Nanocomposites. Scientific Reports, 6(1), 29363. https://doi.org/10.1038/srep29363
Recently, a great deal of interest has been re-emerged on the possibility to manipulate surface waves, in particular, towards the THz and optical regime. Both concepts of Tran...

Curvilinear MetaSurfaces for Surface Wave Manipulation.

Journal Article
La Spada, L., Spooner, C., Haq, S., & Hao, Y. (2019)
Curvilinear MetaSurfaces for Surface Wave Manipulation. Scientific Reports, 9(1), https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-36451-8
Artificial sheet materials, known as MetaSurfaces, have been applied to fully control both space and surface waves due to their exceptional abilities to dynamically tailor wav...

Near-zero-index wires.

Journal Article
La Spada, L., & Vegni, L. (2017)
Near-zero-index wires. Optics express, 25(20), 23699-23708. https://doi.org/10.1364/oe.25.023699
In this work, near-zero-index material boundary properties have been exploited to achieve new electromagnetic functionalities. The extraordinary guiding properties of a cylind...

Modeling and design for electromagnetic surface wave devices

Journal Article
La Spada, L., Haq, S., & Hao, Y. (2017)
Modeling and design for electromagnetic surface wave devices. Radio Science, 52(9), 1049-1057. https://doi.org/10.1002/2017rs006379
A great deal of interest has reemerged recently in the study of surface waves. The possibility to control and manipulate electromagnetic wave propagations at will opens many n...

Metamaterial-based wideband electromagnetic wave absorber

Journal Article
La Spada, L., & Vegni, L. (2016)
Metamaterial-based wideband electromagnetic wave absorber. Optics express, 24(6), 5763. https://doi.org/10.1364/oe.24.005763
In this paper, an analytical and numerical study of a new type of electromagnetic absorber, operating in the infrared and optical regime, is proposed. Absorption is obtained b...

Metamaterial-based Sensor Design Working in Infrared Frequency Range

Journal Article
La Spada, L., Bilotti, F., & Vegni, L. (2011)
Metamaterial-based Sensor Design Working in Infrared Frequency Range. Progress in electromagnetics research B: PIER B, 34, 205-223. https://doi.org/10.2528/pierb11060303
In this paper, we propose the design of high sensitivity and selectivity metamaterial-based biosensors operating in the THz regime. The proposed sensors consist of planar arra...

Isotropic and anisotropic surface wave cloaking techniques

Journal Article
McManus, T. M., La Spada, L., & Hao, Y. (2016)
Isotropic and anisotropic surface wave cloaking techniques. Journal of Optics, 18(4), 044005. https://doi.org/10.1088/2040-8978/18/4/044005
In this paper we compare two different approaches for surface waves cloaking. The first technique is a unique application of Fermat's principle and requires isotropic material...

Metasurfaces for Advanced Sensing and Diagnostics

Journal Article
La Spada, L. (2019)
Metasurfaces for Advanced Sensing and Diagnostics. Sensors, 19(2), 355. doi:10.3390/s19020355
Interest in sensors and their applications is rapidly evolving, mainly driven by the huge demand of technologies whose ultimate purpose is to improve and enhance health and sa...

Conical Nanoparticles for Blood Disease Detection

Journal Article
Spada, L. L., Iovine, R., Tarparelli, R., & Vegni, L. (2013)
Conical Nanoparticles for Blood Disease Detection. Advances in nanoparticles, 02(03), 259-265. doi:10.4236/anp.2013.23036
Metallic nanoparticles play an important role in the design of sensing platforms. In this paper, a new electromagnetic study for conical metal nanoparticles, working in the Ne...