5 results

Evaluation of the accuracy of mathematical models through use of multiple metrics.

Journal Article
Caliskan, N., Jadraque, E., Tham, Y. W., & Muneer, T. (2011)
Evaluation of the accuracy of mathematical models through use of multiple metrics. Sustainable Cities and Society SCC, 1, 63-66. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2011.02.001
Engineering practise heavily relies on the development and use of mathematical models. In this article a number of appropriate metrics have been selected to provide an insight...

Evaluation of a new photodiode sensor for measuring global and diffuse irradiance, and sunshine duration.

Journal Article
Wood, J., Muneer, T. & Kubie, J. (2007)
Evaluation of a new photodiode sensor for measuring global and diffuse irradiance, and sunshine duration. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering. 125, 1-6. doi:10.1115/1.1531149. ISSN 0199-6231
A new integrated device (called the BF3) has been developed, which enables the simultaneous measurement of horizontal global and diffuse irradiance as well as sunshine presenc...

Stochastic social optimum traffic assignment

Journal Article
Maher, M., Stewart, K., & Rosa, A. (2005)
Stochastic social optimum traffic assignment. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 39(8), 753-767. doi:10.1016/j.trb.2004.10.001
This paper formulates a Stochastic Social Optimum (SSO) that relates to the Stochastic User Equilibrium (SUE) in the same way as the Social Optimum (SO) relates to the User Eq...

Evaluating train protection systems

Journal Article
Riddington, G., Beck, M., & Cowie, J. (2004)
Evaluating train protection systems. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 55(6), 606-613. https://doi.org/10.1057/palgrave.jors.2601724
This paper arose from the work carried out for the Cullen/Uff Joint Inquiry into Train Protection Systems. It is concerned with the problem of evaluating the benefits of safet...

A new method for correcting shadow band diffuse irradiance data.

Journal Article
Muneer, T. & Zhang, X. (2002)
A new method for correcting shadow band diffuse irradiance data. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering. 124, 34-43. doi:10.1115/1.1435647. ISSN 0199-6231
An instrument commonly used to measure diffuse irradiance is the polar-axis shadow band pyranometer. However, the shadow band that is used to prevent the beam energy from ente...