30 results

"I Am Still Here" – Participatory Production during the Pandemic

Presentation / Conference
Guma, T. (2024, September)
"I Am Still Here" – Participatory Production during the Pandemic. Presented at MECCSA (Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association) 2024, Manchester, UK
During the covid pandemic colleagues from Sociology and Screen and Performance at Edinburgh Napier University collaborated with activist and community researchers to work with...

Podcast - The art of doing collaborative research

Digital Artefact
Guma, T. Podcast - The art of doing collaborative research. [podcast]

Guma, T. Podcast - The art of doing collaborative research. [podcast]

“It’s That Kind of Place Here”: Solidarity, place-making and civil society response to the 2015 refugee crisis in different localities in Wales, UK

Conference Proceeding
Guma, T. (in press)
“It’s That Kind of Place Here”: Solidarity, place-making and civil society response to the 2015 refugee crisis in different localities in Wales, UK.

“Are we criminals?” – everyday racialisation in temporary asylum accommodation

Conference Proceeding
Guma, T. (in press)
“Are we criminals?” – everyday racialisation in temporary asylum accommodation.

Asylum temporary accommodation during Covid times: a collaborative project with asylum seekers living in Glasgow

Presentation / Conference
Guma, T. (2023, November)
Asylum temporary accommodation during Covid times: a collaborative project with asylum seekers living in Glasgow. Paper presented at On the Margins Network, Edinburgh, UK

“Are we criminals?” – everyday racialisation in temporary asylum accommodation

Journal Article
Guma, T., Blake, Y., Maclean, G., MacLeod, K., Makutsa, R., & Sharapov, K. (2024)
“Are we criminals?” – everyday racialisation in temporary asylum accommodation. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 47(4), 742-762. https://doi.org/10.1080/01419870.2023.2238052
This paper critically examines the placement of people seeking asylum in temporary accommodation during the Covid-19 pandemic. It is based on a 14-month collaborative ethnogra...

Methodological nationalism and ethnic lens in CEE migration research: A critical reflection

Presentation / Conference
Guma, T. (2022, November)
Methodological nationalism and ethnic lens in CEE migration research: A critical reflection. Paper presented at Migration to/from/within Central and Eastern Europe: Decolonial perspectives on race, gender, sexuality and class, Online
This paper offers a critical reflection on methodological approaches within the field of CEE migration. Drawing on ideas from critical migration studies, I discuss the ways in...

Xenophobia, hostility and austerity: European migrants and civil society in Wales

Book Chapter
Drinkwater, S., Guma, T., & Dafydd Jones, R. (2022)
Xenophobia, hostility and austerity: European migrants and civil society in Wales. In P. Chaney, & I. R. Jones (Eds.), Civil Society in an Age of Uncertainty: Institutions, Governance and Existential Challenges. Bristol: Policy Press

Digital threat or opportunity? Local civil society in an age of global inter-connectivity

Book Chapter
Woods, M., Guma, T., & Yarker, S. (2022)
Digital threat or opportunity? Local civil society in an age of global inter-connectivity. In P. Chaney, & I. R. Jones (Eds.), Civil Society in an Age of Uncertainty: Institutions, Governance and Existential Challenges (111-132). Bristol: Policy Press
Abstract not available.

I'm Still Here

Digital Artefact
Guma, T. (2022)
I'm Still Here. [Documentary film]
This is an ethnographic documentary co-produced with refugees and people seeking asylum during the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on video and photo diaries recorded by participants...