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117 results

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on People with Disabilities in Ukraine: Household Perspectives, Public Health Implications, and Considerations for Emergency and Post-Conflict Recovery

Sharapov, K., Nazarenko, V., Polishchuk, O., & Burova, O. (2023)
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on People with Disabilities in Ukraine: Household Perspectives, Public Health Implications, and Considerations for Emergency and Post-Conflict Recovery. Edinburgh: Arts and Humanities Research Council
This report presents the outcomes of the project's final phase, which evaluated the impact of COVID-19 on people with disabilities in Ukraine. This phase relies on accounts fr...

Post-Enlightenment: Can We Go Beyond Occidentalist Epistemologies and Geo-Politics in Queer Studies?

Presentation / Conference
Kulpa, R. (2022, December)
Post-Enlightenment: Can We Go Beyond Occidentalist Epistemologies and Geo-Politics in Queer Studies?. Presented at Go West! Conceptual Explorations of “The West” in History of Education, University of Münster, Germany
The invited lecture reflected on the contemporary queer studies and the geo-temporal ‘unsettlement’ of Central and Eastern Europe in the occidental (and occidentalist) imagina...

‘Channel Shift’: technologically-mediated policing and procedural justice

Journal Article
Wells, H. M., Aston, E. V., Bradford, B., O'Neill, M., Clayton, E., & Andrews, W. (in press)
‘Channel Shift’: technologically-mediated policing and procedural justice. International Journal of Police Science and Management,
In recent years, police forces in the United Kingdom have introduced various technologies that alter the methods by which they interact with the public. In a parallel developm...

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on People with Disabilities in Ukraine: Perspectives of People with Disabilities & Implications for Public Health and Other Emergencies, including Conflict and Post-conflict Recovery

Sharapov, K., Anderson, D., Nazarenko, V., Polishchuk, O., & Burova, O. (2022)
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on People with Disabilities in Ukraine: Perspectives of People with Disabilities & Implications for Public Health and Other Emergencies, including Conflict and Post-conflict Recovery. Edinburgh: AHRC

Challenges for drug checking services in Scotland: a qualitative exploration of police perceptions

Journal Article
Falzon, D., Aston, E. V., Carver, H., Masterton, W., Wallace, B., Sumnall, H., …Parkes, T. (2022)
Challenges for drug checking services in Scotland: a qualitative exploration of police perceptions. Harm Reduction Journal, 19(1), Article 105.
Background The impact of policing practices on the engagement of people who use drugs (PWUD) with harm reduction services is well evidenced. Although the police have tradition...

Dangerous Liaisons: Neoliberal Tropes of the ‘Normal’ and ‘Middle-Class Respectability’ in the Post-socialist LG(BT) Activism

Book Chapter
Kulpa, R. (2022)
Dangerous Liaisons: Neoliberal Tropes of the ‘Normal’ and ‘Middle-Class Respectability’ in the Post-socialist LG(BT) Activism. In M. Blidon, & S. D. Brunn (Eds.), Mapping LGBTQ Spaces and Places. A Changing World (279-291). Cham: Springer.
This chapter explores the emerging, post-1989 logics of neoliberalisation of gender and sexuality activism in Central-Eastern Europe (CEE). By looking at a case study from the...

Friendship as Method? Friendship as Epistemology?

Presentation / Conference
Kulpa, R. (2022, June)
Friendship as Method? Friendship as Epistemology?. Paper presented at 11th European Feminist Research Conference: "Social Change in a Feminist Perspective", Universita di Milano-Bicocca, Milano, IT
Friendship gained across years some traction in kinship research, recently especially within the ‘queer kinship’ debates, as a strong manifestation for the need and drive of a...

The 'Cacophony' of life and death: the impact of the pandemic on persons with disabilities in Ukraine

Presentation / Conference
Sharapov, K. (2022, April)
The 'Cacophony' of life and death: the impact of the pandemic on persons with disabilities in Ukraine. Paper presented at BSA Virtual Annual Conference 2022: Building Equality and Justice Now, Online
As of January 2021, about 2.7 million persons in Ukraine were officially registered as having a disability. The Ukrainian Government policies in relation to the economic and s...

Disability, displacement and COVID-19 in Ukraine: A scoping literature review of emerging challenges and vulnerabilities

Anderson, D., & Sharapov, K. (2022)
Disability, displacement and COVID-19 in Ukraine: A scoping literature review of emerging challenges and vulnerabilities. Edinburgh: AHRC
This paper presents a synthesis of the available literature on the topics of disability, displacement and COVID-19 in Ukraine. The discussion contained here represents a scopi...

The Collective Career Coaching Approach - Applying it to Practice

Presentation / Conference
Meldrum, S. (2022, March)
The Collective Career Coaching Approach - Applying it to Practice. Presented at Network4Careers, Canterbury Christ Church University
12 results

On the Margins - Collaborative Research Network

2023 - 2025
“On the Margins” is a Collaborative Research Network that will bring together academics, researchers and practitioners involved or interested in collaborative research, participatory methods and knowl...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £9,969

RESIST - Fostering Queer-Feminist Intersectional Resistances against Transnational Anti-Gender Politics

2022 - 2026
Anti-gender politics pose a grave threat to modern democratic formations because they challenge people's everyday survival, bodily integrity, and self-determination. Anti-gender spans the political sp...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £443,089

Protecting public-facing professionals and their dependents online (3PO)

2022 - 2025
3PO will build an understanding of public-facing professionals -specific risks, harms and privacy needs; co-create advanced tools, mechanisms and solutions that are cognisant of PFP-specific challenge...
Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council | Value: £359,176

Mitigation and Risk in Restorative Justice

2021 - 2022
Mitigation and Risk in Restorative Justice (RJ) 1. To consider and draw together a schema of the risks involved to facilitators and individual participants in RJ in individual cases, including both f...
Funder: Scottish Government

The impact of COVID-19 on the justice voluntary sector

2021 - 2022
The aim of the project is to explore the experiences of third sector criminal justice organisations during the COVID-19 pandemic. We want to understand how organisations and the sector as a whole have...
Funder: The Criminal Justice Voluntary Sector Forum | Value: £7,952

Drug Checking in Scotland.

2021 - 2023
The primary aim and purpose of this project is to create a programme of work to research, and plan/prepare for delivery of, drug checking projects in Scotland. We will develop the evidence base to bot...
Funder: Corra Foundation | Value: £6,020

Locked down, locked out? Local Partnership Resilience in the Covid-19 Pandemic

2021 - 2021
Partnership working between agencies at the level of local government is increasingly recognised as important to dealing with complex social problems including deprivation, poverty, addictions and off...
Funder: Economic and Social Research Council | Value: £24,226

Investigating the use of temporary accommodation for housing asylum seekers and refugees during the COVID-19 outbreak

2020 - 2022
This project will explore the impact of the Covid-19 outbreak on asylum seekers and refugees living in the UK, one of the most marginalised and most at-risk groups during the current pandemic. The pro...
Funder: Economic and Social Research Council | Value: £53,468

A Qualitative exploration of Scottish-Pakistanis experiences of policing.

2020 - 2024
In providing an understanding of the experiences of Scottish Pakistanis, findings will be of significant benefit to policy makers and practitioners, and will assist policing organisations in Scotland ...
Funder: Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland | Value: £13,221

The local provision of restorative justice in Scotland: an exploratory empirical study

2018 - 2019
This research project consists of an exploratory qualitative study on the provision of restorative justice (RJ) services in Scotland at the level of local authorities. RJ is a process of facilitated d...
Funder: Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland | Value: £6,684
7 results

The RESIST Project Press Release: Findings from the Work Package 1 Released

9 April 2024
Headline: Europe-wide research reveals how transgender rights, feminism, and LGBTIQ+ advocacy are systematically attacked in politics and media. Lead: A project researching so-called ‘anti-gender’ po...

Dr Kulpa organises a gender & sexuality-focused event to celebrate inclusive queer-feminist politics across the month of March 2024.

6 March 2024
Dr Kulpa organises an inclusive queer-feminist event celebrating our diverse lives and work across Edinburgh Napier University.

Dr Kulpa invited to speak at European University Viadrina, Germany

7 September 2023
The talk reflected on the epistemic b/orders in collaborative knowledge creation in queer studies, as critical discipline pursued within the neoliberal higher education system.

Dr Kulpa invited at the "Go West!" Die Idee des "Westens" in bildungshistorischer Perspektive, University of Münster

15 December 2022
Dr Kulpa spoke about "Post-Enlightenment: Can We Go Beyond Occidentalist Epistemologies and Geo-Politics in Queer Studies?" as part of the "Go West! Conceptual Explorations of “The West” in History of...

Dr Kulpa lunches project: ‘RESIST. Fostering Queer Feminist Intersectional Resistances against Transnational Anti-Gender Politics’

30 September 2022
Dr Roberto Kulpa with colleagues form 9 European organisations launches “Fostering Queer Feminist Intersectional Resistances against Transnational Anti-Gender Politics (RESIST)” research consortium ai...

Dr Kulpa invited to Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa (GWZO), Leipzig, Germany.

31 May 2022
Dr Kulpa spoke about "Thinking About the Geo-politics of Knowledge Production: Non-anglophone Epistemologies in/of Queer Studies" at Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa (GW...

Dr Kulpa invited to speak on "Queer Politics of Post-Enlightenment" at Lund University

1 December 2021
The talk reflected on the contemporary queer studies and the geo-temporal ‘unsettlement’ of Central and Eastern Europe in the occidental (and occidentalist) imaginary.