5 results

Britain’s railways were nationalised 70 years ago – let’s not do it again

Cowie, J. (2018)
Britain’s railways were nationalised 70 years ago – let’s not do it again
It is 70 years since the era of public rail ownership began in Great Britain. The British Transport Commission formally took control of the operation and planning of the whole...

Bad vibrations for cyclists in the city

Taylor, M. & Dalton, A. (2017)
Bad vibrations for cyclists in the city. Scotland on Sunday
Article published on risk of nerve damage associated with poor cycling infrastructure in the City of Edinburgh. Research collaboration with Professor Chris Oliver (Edinburgh ...

Mobilfunk 5G Die ferngesteuerte Welt

Thuemmler, C. (2015)
Mobilfunk 5G Die ferngesteuerte Welt. http://www.handelsblatt.com/technik/hannovermesse/mobilfunk-5g-die-ferngesteuerte-welt/11615084-all.html
Erst die neue Mobilfunkgeneration 5G soll den Durchbruch für die Industrie 4.0 bringen. Während die Forschung schon um die ersten Patente wetteifert, fürchten Kritiker das End...

INTERCONNECTION between short and long-distance transport networks. Project presentation leaflet.

Bielefeldt, C. (2009)
INTERCONNECTION between short and long-distance transport networks. Project presentation leaflet

DIFFERENT: user reaction and efficient DIFFERENTiation of charges and tolls. Project presentation leaflet.

Bielefeldt, C. (2006)
DIFFERENT: user reaction and efficient DIFFERENTiation of charges and tolls. Project presentation leaflet