7 results

Socio-environmental Health. Exploring risk and resource spaces within urban environments. An interdisciplinary enquiry.

Presentation / Conference
Carnegie, E., Reid, A., Deakin, M., & Inglis, G. (2018, September)
Socio-environmental Health. Exploring risk and resource spaces within urban environments. An interdisciplinary enquiry. Paper presented at Space and Poverty (Salzburg Conference in Interdisciplinary Poverty Research
Regenerative spaces (good for health, environment and the planet) are essential for human flourishing. Findings from previous research suggest an association between spatial p...

An interdisciplinary approach to community environmental health: Exploring socio-environmental relations

Presentation / Conference
Carnegie, E. (2017, November)
An interdisciplinary approach to community environmental health: Exploring socio-environmental relations. Poster presented at Second BSA conference on Society, Environment and Human Health, Cardiff University School of Social Sciences, Cardiff
Background: Land use and distribution of resources and power result in spatial patterning such as residential segregation and population density, as well as social and health ...

Development of a cross-cultural HPV community engagement model within Scotland

Journal Article
Carnegie, E., Whittaker, A., Gray Brunton, C., Hogg, R., Kennedy, C., Hilton, S., …Pow, J. (2017)
Development of a cross-cultural HPV community engagement model within Scotland. Health Education Journal, 76(4), 398-410. https://doi.org/10.1177/0017896916685592
Objective To examine cultural barriers and participant solutions regarding acceptance and uptake of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine from the perspective of Black Afric...

Young men with intellectual disabilities’ constructions of the human papillomavirus and vaccine

Journal Article
Carnegie, E., Whittaker, A., Gray Brunton, C., Harding, S., Hilton, S., Hogg, R., …Willis, D. (2016)
Young men with intellectual disabilities’ constructions of the human papillomavirus and vaccine. European Journal of Public Health, 26(suppl_1), ckw169.050. doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckw169.050
Scotland is one European country offering a national schoolbased HPV vaccination programme to at least one age-cohort of females, however it does not include young men. A subs...

Cultural reflections on the Scottish HPV vaccination programme

Journal Article
Carnegie, E., Whittaker, A., Gray Brunton, C., Hanif, N., Harding, S., Hilton, S., …Pow, J. (2016)
Cultural reflections on the Scottish HPV vaccination programme. European Journal of Public Health, 26(1 supp 1), https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckw169.049
Background The Scottish HPV vaccination programme serves young women aged 11 to 18 years and reports consistently high uptake rates, yet these figures may conceal levels of un...

Critical discursive psychology as methodology for exploring ambivalence around the HPV vaccine amongst marginalised groups

Presentation / Conference
Gray Brunton, C., Carnegie, E., Whittaker, A., & Todorova, I. (2016, August)
Critical discursive psychology as methodology for exploring ambivalence around the HPV vaccine amongst marginalised groups. Poster presented at The 30th joint European Health Psychology Society Conference/British Psychological Society Division of Health Psychology
Background: Public vaccinations rely on individual acceptance and uptake. The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine was introduced internationally to protect against common stra...

Young men with intellectual disabilities, the HPV vaccine, and constructions of sexual health risk

Presentation / Conference
Carnegie, E., Gray Brunton, C., Whittaker, A., Kennedy, C., Hogg, R., Harding, S., …Willis, D. (2016, August)
Young men with intellectual disabilities, the HPV vaccine, and constructions of sexual health risk. Paper presented at The 30th joint European Health Psychology Society Conference/British Psychology Society Division of Health Psychology
Background: The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccine was introduced internationally in order to provide a vaccine against common strands of the HPV virus which is implicated in...