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5 results

Enhancing Belonging At University: Exploring Authentic Community Building

Presentation / Conference
Haddow, C., & Brodie, J. (2022, July)
Enhancing Belonging At University: Exploring Authentic Community Building. Paper presented at 5th International Active Learning Conference, Online
Despite a link between retention and a sense of belonging being identified in salient literature (Pedler et al., 2021), results from the UK’s National Student Survey still ind...

Searching for Meaning: Exploring Community and Belonging at University

Presentation / Conference
Haddow, C., & Brodie, J. (2022, June)
Searching for Meaning: Exploring Community and Belonging at University. Presented at DLTE The Gathering, Edinburgh Napier University
Enhancing belonging at university has emerged as an area of thematic priority at institutional level, in academic research and for quality enhancement organisations such as Ad...

Creativity, Collaboration and Confident Change: Towards a Practical Manifesto for Programme Leadership

Presentation / Conference
Caddell, M., Davis, K., Haddow, C., & Blackwell-Young, J. (2022, June)
Creativity, Collaboration and Confident Change: Towards a Practical Manifesto for Programme Leadership. Paper presented at QAA Enhancement Themes Conference: Resilient Learning Communities, Glasgow, UK

Engaging students in creating a curriculum framework –challenges and enablers

Presentation / Conference
Haddow, C., Zike, J., & Le-Vaul Grimwood, M. (2022, June)
Engaging students in creating a curriculum framework –challenges and enablers. Paper presented at Advance HE Curriculum Symposium, Leeds, UK
This session reflects on the challenges of implementing a new curriculum framework during Covid 19, with a particular focus on student engagement. It asks what we have learned...

BSC Learning and Teaching Network Roundtable Studying Criminology: Students' and academic perspectives as partners

Presentation / Conference
Strudwick, K., Young, S., Dingwall, G., Haddow, C., & Wane, P. (2021, July)
BSC Learning and Teaching Network Roundtable Studying Criminology: Students' and academic perspectives as partners. Paper presented at British Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Online
This roundtable presents reflections from members of the BSC Learning and Teaching Network on current debates to meet challenges within Higher Education. The panel seeks to re...