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5 results

A Mobility Aware Duty Cycling and Preambling Solution for Wireless Sensor Network with Mobile Sink Node

Journal Article
Thomson, C., Wadhaj, I., Tan, Z., & Al-Dubai, A. (2021)
A Mobility Aware Duty Cycling and Preambling Solution for Wireless Sensor Network with Mobile Sink Node. Wireless Networks, 27(5), 3423-3439.
Utilising the mobilisation of a sink node in a wireless sensor network to combat the energy hole, or hotspot issue, is well referenced. However, another issue , that of energy...

Towards an Energy Balancing Solution for Wireless Sensor Network with Mobile Sink Node

Journal Article
Thomson, C., Wadhaj, I., Tan, Z., & Al-Dubai, A. (2021)
Towards an Energy Balancing Solution for Wireless Sensor Network with Mobile Sink Node. Computer Communications, 170, 50-64.
The issue of energy holes, or hotspots, in wireless sensor networks is well referenced. As is the proposed mobilisation of the sink node in order to combat this. However, as t...

A New Mobility Aware Duty Cycling and Dynamic Preambling Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network

Conference Proceeding
Thomson, C., Wadhaj, I., Al-Dubai, A., & Tan, Z. (2020)
A New Mobility Aware Duty Cycling and Dynamic Preambling Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network. In 2020 IEEE 6th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT)
The issue of energy holes, or hotspots, in wireless sensor networks is well referenced. As is the proposed mobilisa-tion of the sink node in order to combat this. However, as ...

Mobility Aware Duty Cycling Algorithm (MADCAL) in Wireless Sensor Network with Mobile Sink Node

Conference Proceeding
Thomson, C., Wadhaj, I., Tan, Z., & Al-Dubai, A. (2019)
Mobility Aware Duty Cycling Algorithm (MADCAL) in Wireless Sensor Network with Mobile Sink Node. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Smart Internet of Things (SmartIoT).
In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) the use of Mobile Sink Nodes (MSNs) has been proposed in order to negate the ”hotspot” issue. This where nodes closest to the sink node shal...

Mobility Aware Duty Cycling Algorithm (MADCAL) A Dynamic Communication Threshold for Mobile Sink in Wireless Sensor Network

Journal Article
Thomson, C., Wadhaj, I., Tan, Z., & Al-Dubai, A. (2019)
Mobility Aware Duty Cycling Algorithm (MADCAL) A Dynamic Communication Threshold for Mobile Sink in Wireless Sensor Network. Sensors, 19(22),
The hotspot issue in wireless sensor networks, with nodes nearest the sink node losing energy fastest and degrading network lifetime, is a well referenced problem. Mobile sink...