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42 results

Transcription Mapping as a Tool in Phage Genomics: The Case of the Temperate Streptococcus thermophilus Phage Sfi21

Journal Article
Ventura, M., Foley, S., Bruttin, A., Chennoufi, S. C., Canchaya, C., & Brüssow, H. (2002)
Transcription Mapping as a Tool in Phage Genomics: The Case of the Temperate Streptococcus thermophilus Phage Sfi21. Virology, 296(1), 62-76. doi:10.1006/viro.2001.1331
For the lytic growth cycle of the temperate cos-site Streptococcus thermophilus phage Sfi21 a transcription map was developed on the basis of systematic Northern blot hybridiz...

The Yield of Marine Phytoplanckton Chlorophyll from Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen under Eutrophic Conditions

Edwards, V. R. The Yield of Marine Phytoplanckton Chlorophyll from Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen under Eutrophic Conditions. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
During 1999 ex-situ microcosm experiments were carried out at Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory, Oban using natural assemblages of microplankton (other essential nutrients, vitam...

Genomics, molecular genetics and the food industry

Journal Article
Pridmore, R., Crouzillat, D., Walker, C., Foley, S., Zink, R., Zwahlen, M., …Mollet, B. (2000)
Genomics, molecular genetics and the food industry. Journal of Biotechnology, 78(3), 251-258.
The production of foods for an increasingly informed and selective consumer requires the coordinated activities of the various branches of the food chain in order to provide c...

Widespread distribution of a group I Intron and Its three deletion derivatives in the Lysin Gene of Streptococcus thermophilus Bacteriophages.

Journal Article
Foley, S., Bruttin, A., & Brüssow, H. (2000)
Widespread distribution of a group I Intron and Its three deletion derivatives in the Lysin Gene of Streptococcus thermophilus Bacteriophages. Journal of Virology, 74, 611-618.
Of 62 Streptococcus thermophilus bacteriophages isolated from various ecological settings, half contain a lysin gene interrupted by a group IA2 intron. Phage mRNA splicing was...

Complete Sequence of Plasmid pLH1 from Lactobacillus helveticus ATCC15009: Analysis Reveals the Presence of Regions Homologous to Other Native Plasmids from the Host Strain.

Journal Article
Thompson, J. K., Foley, S., McConville, K. J., Nicholson, C., Collins, M. A. & Pridmore, R. D. (1999)
Complete Sequence of Plasmid pLH1 from Lactobacillus helveticus ATCC15009: Analysis Reveals the Presence of Regions Homologous to Other Native Plasmids from the Host Strain. Plasmid. 42, 221-235. doi:10.1006/plas.1999.1428. ISSN 0147-619X
The complete sequence for plasmid pLH1 from Lactobacillus helveticus ATCC15009 has been determined. Analysis of the 19,360-bp primary sequence revealed a putative replication ...

A short noncoding viral DNA element showing characteristics of a replication origin confers Bacteriophage resistance to Streptococcus thermophiles.

Journal Article
Foley, S., Lucchini, S., Zwahlen, M. & Brüssow, H. (1998)
A short noncoding viral DNA element showing characteristics of a replication origin confers Bacteriophage resistance to Streptococcus thermophiles. Virology. 250, 377-387. doi:10.1006/viro.1998.9387. ISSN 0042-6822
A 302-bp noncoding DNA fragment from the DNA replication module of phage φSfi21 was shown to protect theStreptococcus thermophilusstrainSfi1 from infection by 17 of 25 phages....

Molecular ecology and evolution of Streptococcus thermophilus Bacteriophages - a review.

Journal Article
Brüssow, H., Bruttin, A., Desiere, F., Lucchini, S. & Foley, S. (1998)
Molecular ecology and evolution of Streptococcus thermophilus Bacteriophages - a review. Virus Genes. 16, 95-109. doi:10.1023/A:1007957911848. ISSN 0920-8569
Bacteriophages attacking Streptococcus thermophilus, a lactic acid bacterium used in milk fermentation, are a threat to the dairy industry. These small isometric-headed phages...

The site-specific Integration system of the temperate Streptococcus thermophiles Bacteriophage φSfi21

Journal Article
Bruttin, A., Foley, S., & Brüssow, H. (1997)
The site-specific Integration system of the temperate Streptococcus thermophiles Bacteriophage φSfi21. Virology, 237(1), 148-158.
The temperate bacteriophage fSfi21 integrates its DNA into the chromosome of Streptococcus thermophilus strains via site-specific recombination. Nucleotide sequencing of the a...

Characterization of the Lysogeny DNA Module from the temperate Streptococcus thermophiles Bacteriophage φSfi21.

Journal Article
Bruttin, A., Desiere, F., Lucchini, S., Foley, S., & Brüssow, H. (1997)
Characterization of the Lysogeny DNA Module from the temperate Streptococcus thermophiles Bacteriophage φSfi21. Virology, 233(1), 136-148.

Toxoplasma Gondii: An Investigation of Infection in the Immunocompromised Host

Nicoll, S. J. Toxoplasma Gondii: An Investigation of Infection in the Immunocompromised Host. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
The aim of this study was to develop a sensitive and specific method of detecting Toxoplasma gondii in the immunocompromised host which would reduce the need for other tests a...