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Using applied drama in nursing and healthcare education: A handbook for educators

Kyle, R., Mermikides, A., Tizzard-Kleister, K., Mahoney, C., Dinetto, S., & Richardson, S. (in press)
Using applied drama in nursing and healthcare education: A handbook for educators. United Kingdom: Routledge
In recent years there has been increasing interest in the interconnection between the performing arts and the performance of care. Applied drama has been used by educators to ...

An exploration of legal and professional guidance governing recipient consent for allograft fusion material.

Neades, B. L., Perry, P., Kilbride, L., Aitken, G., & Hill, G. (2013)
An exploration of legal and professional guidance governing recipient consent for allograft fusion material. In R. F. Saidi (Ed.), Organ Donation and Organ Donors: Issues, Challenges and PerspectivesNova Science Publishers Inc

Use of human tissue for transplantation: ethical and legal issues.

Neades, B. L., Perry, P., Kilbride, L., Aitken, G., & Hill, G. (2012)
Use of human tissue for transplantation: ethical and legal issues. In R. F. Saidi (Ed.), Organ Donation and Organ Donors: Issues, Challenges and Perspectives, 149-168. Nova Science Publishers
Currently, human bone is a commonly used material to help promote fusion of the vertebrae. The bone can be the recipient’s own bone (autograft) or allograft bone, where bone ...


Neades, B. L. (2012)
Aggression. In B. Dolan, & L. Holt (Eds.), Accident and Emergency: theory into practice, 3rd ed'n, 183-190. Bailliere Tindall

Partners at the birth.

Hollins Martin, C. J. (2012)
Partners at the birth. In C. R. Martin (Ed.), Perinatal Mental Health: a clinical guideM & K Update
Contemporary Western culture incorporates a belief that fathers should attend the birth of their child, but is this always a healthy assumption to make? There has been an incr...

Conformity and obedience among midwives.

Hollins Martin, C. J. (2012)
Conformity and obedience among midwives. In C. R. Martin (Ed.), Perinatal Mental Health: a clinical guide, 249-261. M & K Updates
The literature on obedience emphasises that legitimate authority is a powerful and compelling force. This is particularly evident in Milgram’s experiments (1963, 1974) in whic...

Personality disorder and mental health in the perinatal period.

Hollins Martin, C. J. (2012)
Personality disorder and mental health in the perinatal period. In C. R. Martin (Ed.), Perinatal Mental Health: a clinical guide, 43-57. M & K Update
The act of giving birth has the capacity to precipitate extreme emotional reactions in some women, with parturition shown to be a risk factor for developing psychiatric illnes...

Nutrition and quality of life in adults receiving palliative care.

Fleming, M., Martin, C. R., & Hollins Martin, C. J. (2010)
Nutrition and quality of life in adults receiving palliative care. In V. R. Preedie (Ed.), Diet and Nutrition in palliative care, 75-88. Routledge
Palliative care refers to treatment and care delivered when the disease/illness is not responsive to curative treatment. The World Health Organization defines palliative care ...