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184 results

The Potential of Friendship: A Case for Social Resilience

Presentation / Conference
Kulpa, R., & Ludwin, K. (2021, April)
The Potential of Friendship: A Case for Social Resilience. Paper presented at 70th Annual Conference of the British Sociological Association, London, UK
The consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic mark a crisis of neoliberal ideologies of entrepreneurial individualism underpinning global precarity globally, nationally, and at th...

Out of the mouths of babes: listening to children of all ages in family court cases

Journal Article
Barnes Macfarlane, L. (2021)
Out of the mouths of babes: listening to children of all ages in family court cases. The Journal of the Law Society of Scotland,
Critical overview of amendments made by the Children (S) Act 2020 to cases brought under Part 1 of the Children (S) Act 1995 (e.g. contact/residence disputes). These amendment...

Supported Decision-Making and Paradigm Shifts: Word Play or Real Change?

Journal Article
Stavert, J. (2021)
Supported Decision-Making and Paradigm Shifts: Word Play or Real Change?. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11,
Article 12(3) CRPD requires states parties to provide access by persons with disabilities to the support they may require in exercising their legal capacity. This is to ensure...

Transposing the preventive restructuring directive 2019 into French insolvency law: Rethinking the role of the judge and rebalancing creditors' rights

Journal Article
Ghio, E. (2021)
Transposing the preventive restructuring directive 2019 into French insolvency law: Rethinking the role of the judge and rebalancing creditors' rights. International Insolvency Review, 30(1), 54-74.
In June 2019, the European Union adopted the Directive on Preventive Restructuring Frameworks. The objective of the Directive is to introduce a level-playing field across all ...

Judicial Training Brief - Children (Scotland) Act 2020

Barnes Macfarlane, L. (2020)
Judicial Training Brief - Children (Scotland) Act 2020. Judicial Institute for Scotland
Abstract not available.

Music classroom as the shifting ground for patriotism: National Anthem Law in Hong Kong

Conference Proceeding
Cheng, L. (2020)
Music classroom as the shifting ground for patriotism: National Anthem Law in Hong Kong. In Proceedings of the 20th International Seminar of the ISME Commission on Policy: Culture, Media and Education (65-72
Music as an expressive art form can convey meaning and carry emotional associations. It can promote universal values such as anti-war and equality, or political ideology inclu...

Theory and Practice of General Principles of International Legal Cooperation: A Thematical and Comparative Approach

Perlingeiro, R., & Ghio, E. (Eds.)
(2020). Theory and Practice of General Principles of International Legal Cooperation: A Thematical and Comparative Approach. Niterói, RJ: Nupej
This publication features extended abstracts of papers which were presented at the roundtable on International Legal Cooperation at the Law and Society Association conference ...

Too Much Drama Defining Film in UK Copyright Law

Journal Article
Sellors, C. P. (2020)
Too Much Drama Defining Film in UK Copyright Law. Journal of Media Law, 12(2),
In Norowzian v Arks Ltd. (No.2) the Court of Appeal determined that the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 protects films as dramatic works. What, conceptually and in pra...

The Vita Cragii of James Baillie

Book Chapter
Dodd, L. (2020)
The Vita Cragii of James Baillie. In A. M. Godfrey (Ed.), Miscellany VIII (265-283). Edinburgh: Stair Society.
A Latin edition and annotated English translation of the advocate James Baillie's 1732 biography of Thomas Craig.

Mental health advance statements: crossing the divide from clinical to law enforcement settings

Journal Article
Stavert, J. (2021)
Mental health advance statements: crossing the divide from clinical to law enforcement settings. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 28(1), 102-106.
It is clear that police in many jurisdictions are increasingly being called out to situations involving persons with mental distress. In Scotland, for example, notifications o...
19 results

Mini-internships for the Centre for Family Law and Policy

2023 - 2024
Application to the Clark Foundation for Legal Education for funding for mini-internships in the area of child and family law and policy, for undergraduate students primarily in years 3 and 4 of their ...
Funder: The Clark Foundation for Legal Education | Value: £2,000

Domestic Abuse and Defending a Child Contact Action - Legal Aid and the Economic Impact of Child contact cases

2023 - 2024
A pilot project on the barriers to legal aid for victims of domestic abuse in contact cases
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £3,290

RESIST - Fostering Queer-Feminist Intersectional Resistances against Transnational Anti-Gender Politics

2022 - 2026
Anti-gender politics pose a grave threat to modern democratic formations because they challenge people's everyday survival, bodily integrity, and self-determination. Anti-gender spans the political sp...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £443,089

Cross Border Consumer Enforcement: Looking to the Future

2022 - 2022
Report writing project with University of Reading for UNCTAD.
Funder: University of Reading | Value: £500

Co-produced career guidance intervention for people living with dementia

2021 - 2023
Project, led by Dr Louise Ritchie of the University of the West of Scotland and Co-investigators (Prof Debbie Tolson and Emma Bolger of University of the Westof Scotland, Dr Valerie Egdell and Katie B...
Funder: Alzheimer Society

Centre for Child & Family Law and Policy Research Internships

2021 - 2022
The internships will involve: (i) conducting practice-based research on areas of law and practice governing children and adults in their private and family life – to include family law, public childca...
Funder: The Clark Foundation for Legal Education | Value: £3,399

Research Network to create Multi-Disciplinary Research Centre for Scottish Child and Family Law and Policy

2021 - 2023
Our Research Network will launch the unique Multi-Disciplinary Centre for Scottish Child and Family Law and Policy, building upon the successes and networking opportunities generated by our workshop s...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £19,500

Child Welfare Hearing Reports: Post 2015 reforms

2020 - 2021
The research proposes to examine how, if at all, practice in the commissioning, preparation and use of CWHR has changed since 2015. In particular, to what extend are CWHR used, if at all, to provide e...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £5,997

Exploring experiences of miscarriages of justice

2019 - 2023
The proposed research will explore victims’ experiences of miscarriages of justice. It will investigate the narratives that individuals who have been wrongfully imprisoned have to share about their li...
Funder: British Academy | Value: £7,952

Scottish Parliament Research Project: Family Law (Scotland) Bill 2019

2019 - 2019
The Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body is seeking to award a contract for research on behalf of the Justice Committee. The Family Law (Scotland) Bill (‘the Bill’) is due to be introduced this yea...
Funder: The Scottish Parliament | Value: £4,872
8 results

The RESIST Project Press Release: Findings from the Work Package 1 Released

9 April 2024
Headline: Europe-wide research reveals how transgender rights, feminism, and LGBTIQ+ advocacy are systematically attacked in politics and media. Lead: A project researching so-called ‘anti-gender’ po...

Dr Cristian Surubaru in Romania as an expert for a second European Commission consultancy project

2 October 2023
Last week, Dr Neculai-Cristian Surubaru (The Business School at Edinburgh Napier) was is in Romania, conducting fieldwork as part of a second consultancy project on behalf of the European Commission. ...

Domestic abuse information ‘not adequately captured’ in child contact cases

6 February 2023
tudy: Scottish Legal News 6 Feb

Abuse 'should be noted' at hearings

3 February 2023
The Herald CHILD contact hearings in civil courts are not taking adequate account of domestic abuse convictions, according to researchers.

Lawyers fail to take account of domestic abuse

3 February 2023
The Scotsman - p7 News. Child contact hearings in civil courts are not taking adequate account of domestic abuse convictions, according to researchers.

Child contact hearings failing to take account of domestic abuse, study finds

2 February 2023
The Courier - 02/02/2023 Child contact hearings in civil courts are not taking adequate account of domestic abuse convictions, according to researchers. (Note: this story originated from Press Assoc...

Family: Case management rules made for 2023

14 November 2022
Implementation of recommendations of 2017 report prepared for the Scottish Civil Justice Committee.

Digital Assets in Scots Private Law Project

1 January 2004
Edinburgh Napier Law academic collaborates in a project funded by the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) which will consider the implications of digital assets for the current legal framework in Scotlan...
