14 results

Use and Implementation of OCR Chapter 33AA in Section 11 Order Proceedings.

Whitecross, R. & Lindsay, C. (2017)
Use and Implementation of OCR Chapter 33AA in Section 11 Order Proceedings. Edinburgh: Scottish Courts and Tribunal Service
This report presents the findings of a small-scale study designed and undertaken by the researchers between October 2016 and February 2017. The research was commissioned by th...

Mental Health and Unemployment in Scotland: Understanding the impact of welfare reforms in Scotland for individuals with mental health conditions

Maclean, G., Marks, A. & Cowan, S. (2017)
Mental Health and Unemployment in Scotland: Understanding the impact of welfare reforms in Scotland for individuals with mental health conditions. Edinburgh: Carnegie Trust
During 2016, 30 individuals with a mental health condition (who claimed ESA, have had their ESA withdrawn and moved on to JSA, or have been directed into the WRAG group based ...

Women in ICT and Digital Technologies: An investigation of the barriers to women entering, staying, and progressing in the sector, and actions to ameliorate this - Executive Summary

Graham, H., Fuertes, V., Egdell, V. & Raeside, R. (2016)
Women in ICT and Digital Technologies: An investigation of the barriers to women entering, staying, and progressing in the sector, and actions to ameliorate this - Executive Summary. Edinburgh: Skills Development Scotland
This report summarises research conducted to explore the under-representation of women in the ICT and Digital Technologies sector in Scotland, and the possible reasons for, an...

The Management of Dementia in the Workplace in the Public Sector in Scotland

Egdell, V. (2016)
The Management of Dementia in the Workplace in the Public Sector in Scotland. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Napier University Business School Research Funding 2015/16
The Scottish population is ageing. This will have a significant impact on the labour market, in particular on the greater need for employers to employ relatively more older wo...

e-Placement Scotland - Defining the placement landscape for computing

Allford, R., & Smith, S. (2014)
e-Placement Scotland - Defining the placement landscape for computing. Edinbrurgh Napier University: e-Placement Scotland
This publication aims to introduce employers and employer bodies to e-Placement Scotland and its work with Scotland’s Universities to produce quality work placements in the co...

Scottish Higher Education Employability Forum (SHEEF) End of Year Report 2012-13

Allford, R. (2013)
Scottish Higher Education Employability Forum (SHEEF) End of Year Report 2012-13. Higher Education Academy
Allford, R. (2013). Scottish Higher Education Employability Forum (SHEEF) End of Year Report 2012-13. Higher Education Academy.

Evaluating the impact of the Glasgow living wage.

Dutton, M., Raeside, R., Chen, T. & Mazza, T. (2013)
Evaluating the impact of the Glasgow living wage. Glasgow, Scotland: Glasgow City Council
The Living Wage (LW) is perceived by some to be a social and economic good. The beneficial aspects of implementing a LW is to increase employee pay, reduce household poverty a...

Learning in the Workplace: Initiatives through Learning to Work 2, Placements and Internships

Irving, C., & Allford, R. (2013)
Learning in the Workplace: Initiatives through Learning to Work 2, Placements and Internships. Scottish Higher Education Employability Forum
Irving, C., & Allford, R. (2013). Learning in the Workplace: Initiatives through Learning to Work 2, Placements and Internships - a summary of findings in work placements: whe...

Health and Wellbeing of Employees in Employee Owned Businesses

McQuaid, R., Hollywood, E., Bond, S., Canduela, J., Richard, A., & Blackledge, G. (2012)
Health and Wellbeing of Employees in Employee Owned Businesses. Scotland: Employee Ownership Association
This research examines the relationship between working for an employee owned business and the levels of health and wellbeing among employees. It was carried out by the Employ...

Skills for Scotland

Allford, R. (2012)
Skills for Scotland. https://issuu.com/skillsforscotland/docs/skills4scotland: Edinburgh Napier University
Skills for Scotland project was an £500,000 ERDF funded project set up in response to the skills shortage identified by the Scottish Government (2010-2015) to build workforce ...