4 results

Optimising the container transhipment hub location in northern Europe

Journal Article
Baird, A. J., & Baird, A. (2006)
Optimising the container transhipment hub location in northern Europe. Journal of Transport Geography, 14(3), 195-214. doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2004.12.004
This paper applies a specific research methodology designed to evaluate and compare competing seaport locations within a given region as the optimal site for international con...

The Application of Mathematical Programming Approaches to Estimating Container Port Production Efficiency

Journal Article
Cullinane, K., Song, D., & Wang, T. (2005)
The Application of Mathematical Programming Approaches to Estimating Container Port Production Efficiency. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 24(1), 73-92. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11123-005-3041-9
Container terminal production is both an important and complicated element in the contemporary global economy. This paper aims to evaluate the efficiency of the world’s most i...

A time-varying risk premium in the term structure of bulk shipping freight rates.

Journal Article
Adland, R., & Cullinane, K. (2005)
A time-varying risk premium in the term structure of bulk shipping freight rates. Journal of Transport, Economics and Policy, 39, 191-208
This paper presents a simple argument, based on logic and maritime economic theory alone, for rejecting the applicability of the expectations theory in bulk shipping freight m...

Privatization trends at the world's top-100 container ports

Journal Article
Baird, A. J. (2002)
Privatization trends at the world's top-100 container ports. Maritime Policy and Management, 29(3), 271-284. doi:10.1080/03088830210132579
During recent years the role of the private sector in seaports has been greatly expanded. Yet in practice the extent of privatisation in ports can vary significantly, in part ...